Those 4-pin (or quad-pin) compact fluorescent lamps are unique because they were specifically designed for operation with electronic ballasts. Being that ballasts are neccesary for providing the lights with a moderate about of voltage, wattage and frequency, it's important to purchase ones that are total compatiable with your fixtures.
Our Bodine brand Electronic ballast are specifically designed for providing CFL lighting with emergency power during a power outage. The B94GU model operates one (1) twin, quad or triple twin-tube lamps by supplying them with temporary illumination as normal power has failed. Great for indoor and outdoor appplication in either commerical or industrial buildings or facilities.
The B94GU will not affect normal lamp operation but in the case of an emergency, it will provide up to 90 minutes of light for your indoor or outdoor facility. It includes a maintenance-free NiCad battery, a charger with test switch (LED light indicator), and electrical circuit board. This ballast is also great for mounting within sealed and gasketed fixtures.
This compact sized ballast weights 3.00 lbs and features a vertical and horizontal mounting center (8.9"). There is also a test switch that features a LED indicator light to signal if charged.
It is UL Component compliant for factory installation while having an initial lumen output in the range of 400-700. The device’s voltage capacity is universal 120/277V with AC wattage input of 1.5.
Contact our expert customer service team for more information about this ballast, today! The Ballast Co. is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Our expert staff is available for questions and/or sales at (800) 887-9957 or